In Confident Identity, I selected various Christian songs to help you understand your identity.
Archives for October 2017

Movie List
In Confident Identity, I selected various movies to help you understand your identity.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
- Groundhog Day
- The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
Chapter 6
- Back to the Future (trilogy)
- A Beautiful Mind
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
None selected
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
None selected
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
- The Dark Knight(Batman trilogy)
- The Butterfly Circus
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Assessment List
In Confident Identity, I recommend various self-assessment inventories to help you confirm your identity.
Spiritual Gifts

Table of Contents
Part I — Understanding Your Identity
1. Ashamed or Confident
2. Fearful or Secure
3. Doubtful or Hopeful
4. Rejected or Accepted
5. Isolated and Desolate
6. Connected and Fruitful
Part II – Discovering Your Identity
7. Digging for Identity Clues
8. Your Physical Identity
9. Your Gender Identity
10. Your Cognitive and Emotional Identity
11. Your General Spiritual Identity
12. Your Specific Spiritual Identity
13. Your Personality
14. Your Strengths at Work
15. Assembling Your Identity Clues
Part III – Using Your Identity
16. Vision: How Far I Can Go
17. Consecration: Be Prepared to Go
18. Mission: Go Make a Difference
Supplemental Material
Closing Thoughts
Appendix A — You 2.0 Prayer
Appendix B — Movie and Music List
Appendix C — Spiritual Identity Scriptures
Appendix D — Values Cutouts
Appendix E — Discover More Interests
Appendix F — Example Statements
Selected Bibliography
Index of Scriptures

Introvert’s Guide to a Confident Identity
God knows exactly who you are. This includes all past, present, and future versions of yourself. But you don’t know everything about yourself. God intends for you to discover who you are.
Here are some practical steps so you can accelerate your growth and become all God made you to be. Try doing one of these a day for about 20 minutes.
- Activate Your Present into Greater Awareness
- Write in a journal to experience yourself from the outside
- Spend time in quiet meditation, allowing your thoughts to move freely from one to the next
- Talk to a close friend who listens well, deposit your thoughts with them
- Pray your thoughts, feelings, and desires to God, make sure he knows what’s on your heart
- Take self-discovery quizzes such MBTI (for example:
- Review your dreams for insights into your desires and struggles
- Review Your Experiences
- Reflect on what happened to you today
- Reflect on the dreams you had last night
- Reflect on how your life is different in the past year
- Review your life in years or decades
- Plan Your Future
- Assess which of your desires align with who you are vs who others expect you to be
- Select some part of you that you want to focus on developing further
- Look forward in various time frames (1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years)
- Select goals to accomplish
How to Ditch Despair and Catch Confidence
Benjamin Franklin said, “Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75.” William Wallace said, “Every man dies, but not every man truly lives.” What is truly living? Is that even possible?
Some people never discover the depths of who they are. They go on living, but keep their talents buried. Others succumb to despair and end their lives prematurely.
Then there are the ones who learn the secret to catching confidence. If anyone knows who they really are — who God made them to be — they become fortified against despair. Identity is the antidote for despair. Those with a secure identity have hope. All hell can break lose, but they know who they are and whose they are.
Those out of touch with their identity will remain stuck in despair. Darkness will dominate both the person who lacks a sense of their identity and the person who experiences a deep sense of shame when they touch upon their identity. One way to look at shame is feeling who you are is worthless and defective. When someone feels worthless, they become increasingly sensitive to rejection and, in extreme cases, see no way out other than suicide.
Those without a strong sense of self are easily deceived and enticed by quick fixes. They will be tossed around like a leaf in a tornado. They are subject to being carried off by anything that sounds good or anything that avoids bad feelings. They can only go with the flow and the default flow is rarely anything good.
If you want to really live, then discover your true identity. You’ll be on your way to reaching your fullest potential. To achieve a confident identity, follow these steps:
1. Be: Simply Exist and Receive Love
Acceptance is the foundation for genuine growth. To receive love, you need at least one person who can love you the way you are, but then also encourage you to become all you are.
2. Identity: Develop the Sense of Who You Are
With a strong identity, you’ll have a built-in reason to live that you can never lose. You’ll have power to give up unhealthy people-pleasing behaviors. You can stop feeling anxious about who you’re supposed to be. You’ll no longer have to depend on others to tell you who you’re supposed to be. You can stop worrying and start living.
3. Do: Practice and Grow Your Abilities
To further grow the sense of who you are, practice and refine your abilities. Talent without hard work will remain dormant.
4. Mission: Fulfill Your Purpose
So far, the first three steps are about you learning who you really are. As you mature, you’ll be ready to fulfill your unique purpose. You’ll be ready to give yourself to a purpose greater than yourself.
5. Live: Enjoy the Time You Have
Be healthy. Take care of yourself and enjoy the life God has given you. Even Jesus rested from his work. Remember that life isn’t about you slaving away 24/7. You’ll only be of benefit to others when you give from the overflow of God’s presence in your life.
6. Sacrifice: Invest Your Time in Others
You can’t sacrifice what you don’t have. Only after you have your identity can you give it up for the sake of others. God didn’t make you to cling to earthly pleasures. Once you have an identity, God calls you to pour all he has given you into the lives of others.
Change is especially hard when you’re depressed. Fortunately, the first step toward health, simply being, only requires you to receive love. Are you tired of depending on unpredictable and unreliable life circumstances for happiness? Find joy by knowing all that your creator intends for you to be.